The floatation of Facebook on the stock market and the news that several people are set to be billionaires prompted an office discussion of 'what would you do if you had 18 billion pounds'. Inevitably most of us could easily give away 17 and a half billion. Is there anything in the world you need that you can't get with 500 million? And if there is do you really want to have to maintain that lifestyle? I think I may have wittered something about travelling and paying for friends to come with me (and give up their jobs). I don't need to plan it too exactly.
However there are also things in life I fundamentally need and are becoming more pressing by the day. I need to make some money and fast. If only so I can maintain the life I have.
1. I need a PA. Not because I have such a fast paced, international life but because I am flawed. At work I am fine. Plan things, sort things, deliver things. Personal life - hmmmm. A case in point; my birthday. Failed to organise anything (not the first time). Eventually decide to rally the troops and go for lunch followed by the Muppet movie. Sorted. Except the film isn't out yet. So lunch it is!
2. I need an electric blanket. I am freezing. I am sleeping in pyjamas, hooded top, socks and gloves. The heating is on. I know I could buy an electric blanket easily. I have just not sorted myself and bought it (see note 1)
3. Paint. I need to paint the front door. This is because I have to kick it to open it
4. I need to fix the front door. So I don't have to kick it to open it
5. I need a Muppet. One of the biggest regrets in my life is not making one in FAO Shwartz
6. I need Irish breakfast tea. The best tea in the world and oddly not available over here.
I think when you look at all these things I'm fairly sorted. Therefore I don't need 18 billion. Good job too really
No excuse, you can order these from your bed, with your electric blanket that you will also order online ;-)
Can you remind why you didn't get the muppet made, I cannot remember and really cannot imagine why you didn't do it!
I didn't get one because I was 30 years old and didn't need to spend £80 on a muppet. I wish I had though
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