I was going to start a new blog. It was going to run next to this blog and be more of a diary, travel journey thing. But I was immediately technologically flawed. The interface had changed and was quite frankly beyond me, I couldn't up load photos, it looked crap and so I have decided that one blog will do me!
Now... the reason why I am starting a new blog (or not).
Then May happened – this was the month from hell. Everything
that could go wrong did go wrong. I’m not going to go in to details but when on
the last day of May I found myself in tears again I knew that I had reached the
point where I could walk away from everything. It wasn’t a knee jerk reaction
to a bad couple of weeks, it wasn’t putting two fingers up, I think it was a
way (in my mind God’s way) of getting me to a point where I could move on. I’d
burned down the farm. Leaving work was hard, it’s difficult to explain why
you’ve walked away from something you enjoyed, could do and liked! But it felt
like the right decision. And things began to fall in to place. I rented my
house out to someone I trusted, I got a really good deal on flights, my first
novel is going on kindle in the next few weeks.
Oh and I've also started taking really crap amateur photography on my phone.
Now... the reason why I am starting a new blog (or not).
If you had asked me on New Years Eve 2013/2014 what this
year would hold I would have fairly confidently replied ‘More of the same’. I
certainly wouldn’t have said that by July I would have jacked in a job that I
loved, rented out my house (which I was also fairly attached to) and been about to head off for five months to a country I last visited eight years ago, where I
know a few people and with under 4 weeks to go.. have nowhere to live. But here
I am and hopefully I'll report here how it goes. Along with any other stuff I write about.
So why did I do it? I don’t know is the short answer. The
longer answer makes slightly more sense. So January I was happy, I had a very
good job in a lovely company and some of the best work colleagues you could ask
for. I had (have) lovely friends, great family and was fine. But I was kind of
hoping for change. The good kind. I had begun to feel that I wasn’t really
living my own life. I had kind of slipped in to a supporting role. I was living
in relation to other people rather than living my own life. Obviously we all
have to do this to an extent but I felt I wanted to be the main player in my
own life.
What I’ve really wanted to do for as long as I can remember
is write. I’ve made some inroads over the years but never quite got there. Once
again life got in the way. Life trundled on, I did nice things, I celebrated
birthdays (34- bloody hell) but I still wanted for, prayed for (I’m Christian)
change. I was bored. Not with anything in particular but with everything. It became very clear that if you want change
then you have to change things. But I didn’t really want to do that – where
would I get a better job? What would I do with my house? How could I afford to
live? There was nothing so wrong with my life that I needed to walk away from

So here I am. A stunning bit of planning means I moved out
of my house 6 weeks before I left the country, so I am free wheeling between
various houses. I’m off to Australia
in 4 weeks and we’ll see what happens. This may be the best or worst idea of my
life but I think I am just going to see where it goes. I don’t really have much
other choice.
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