I have arrived. The eagle has landed etc etc other metaphors
for arriving in a country without the plane bursting in to flames (it happens).
The flight was actually OK. I was on one of those Qantas airbuses and it was
enormous. I was also out of my skull on a cocktail of prescription (not necessarily
my prescriptions) drugs which made the whole thing a lot more palatable. I was
even relaxed enough to take a quick nap on the floor of Dubai airport. Never let it be said I don’t
travel in style.
I had somehow managed to get in an early boarding row so was
one of the first on the enormous plane. As it filled up the seats next to me
remained empty and so I’d managed to convince myself that I was going to have a
whole row of seats to myself. I was of course being ridiculous. This never
happens. You are always rammed in and convince yourself that the flight is full
then on a wander to the toilet you see about 20 rows of seats that have one
person stretched out along all three seats. Your reaction to seeing this varies
depending on whereabouts in the flight you are. Early on you tend to think “Oh
I wonder how they managed that”. Later on “I’m going to wake them up and ask
them how they did that and then tell them that it would be nice if they shared
their good fortune around and we all took turns at sleeping horizontally”. 14
hours in and you are standing over them weeping.
The empty seats next to me were filled about 2 seconds
before the doors closed. They were filled by a strange couple who were having a
domestic. They were terrifying. I stood up to let her in and the first/only
thing she said was ‘is this all your stuff?’. This was in reference to the full
up over head locker. I replied that my bag was under the seat in front. She ignored me and got
in her seat, her scary husband sat next to her and we all sat in silence. I
listened to the people behind me bond, they were practically arranging to come
to each other weddings. I even began to envy the people sat next to the child
going mental. Then scary man broke the silence. By calling his wife an f***ing
b***h. Her response to this was to hand him an inflight magazine and say ‘Oh
look we went there’. I shut my eyes and listened to him detail the plans for
their divorce, whilst she smiled and laughed as if she was at a dinner party.
Luckily at that point my fake sleep turned into real sleep and I was spared
their weirdness. When I woke up they had their arms round each other and were
watching the Big Bang Theory. They then started whispering sweet nothings to
each other. I pretended to sleep again.
I could only assume they were one of those ghastly couples
who thrive on tension and make up sex. You’ll be as thrilled as I was to hear
they were in the same seats all the way to Sydney .
I had planned to try and sleep at the correct times so that
I would arrive early morning in Sydney
and then power through till the evening. Of course my plans failed and I awoke
at about 11pm Thursday night all ready for a 5-30am landing. I prepared myself
for jetlag/death. I’ve only ever had
jetlag badly twice. Once when I actually thought I was going to die and the
other slightly more amusing version where I couldn’t stay awake. I would be mid
sentence and then wake up three hours later glued to the carpet by my own
drool. This continued for a week. The only thing that made it more amusing was
that the two people I was living with got exactly the same thing. At any given
moment there was the chance that one of us would just collapse in a heap and
pass out for a couple of days.

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