Arriving in Sydney over three months ago I knew one person. Not being particularly fussed if I didn't speak to anyone for four months I knew that I would be OK but would obviously prefer if I met some people in order to avoid me turning in to one of those people who laughs to themselves in the bus queue. Reader I think you can see where this is going...
People are great.
This doesn't include the weird woman who sat on the end of my bed and scared the shit out of me but it does include (drumroll...)
- The girl who I used to work with who drove for an hour and a half to pick me up from Melbourne then put me up for the weekend and introduced me to her lovely friends. She also introduced me to tablets which you eat and they turn everything you eat in to sweet tasting things. Sweet tasting vegemite is very odd indeed. We also went for drive through coffee which pretty much blew my mind
- Two of my UK friend's sisters who again put me up and treated me like a Queen.
- An old school friend who met me for dinner despite not having seen me in years. Amazing company, lovely food and friendship rekindled.
- Friend of the old school friend who got in touch and met me for a drink. Lovely night and got to see huge flames go off outside the casino.
- Old work colleague who met me for a drink and we had a very pleasant afternoon in St Kilda.
- All the randoms I met in hostels and idled away days with.
- The very strange woman I met in a hostel who decided to give me a cat statue. I have to confess I left it behind in the hostel. It was a nice but not entirely practical gift. I did come of slightly better than the Dutch girl who was given a full set of table mats and coasters.
- My travelling tour mates from Melbourne to Adelaide. Helped me overcome my prejudice of organised tours. Not an unpleasant idiot among them.
- My new Sydney friend who introduced me to the greatest ice cream on the planet.
- My flatmates who made my re-introduction to communal living flipping awesome.
- All the new friends I have made who have put themselves out for me, made me feel so welcome.
- The old friends who have opened their home to me and made it feel like barely 10 minutes have passed since we last saw each other let alone 10 years.

I suppose the culmination of this was an invite to a Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday. I have never been to a thanksgiving before but I enjoy eating. The friends that hosted it are wonderful (and American) and put on a hell of a feast. My only knowledge of Thanksgiving is from TV and film but I am sort of tempted to start including it in my autumn calendar. I'll ignore all the guff about pilgrims (I still don't think I've really grasped what all that's about). But I am pleased to say that we did do the thing where you go round the table and say what you're grateful for. I like that. And I like eating.
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